3OVO Portal

What We Do

We service every vertical in supply chain including B2C and B2B for full end to end service.

  • Specialty/Department Stores
  • Food/Drug/Mass/Club
  • Natural Channel
  • All E-commerce outlets
  • Independent stores

Domestic & International operations

Why We Do It Better

  • Order accuracy 99.7% for any reason including customer error and on time delivery of 99.95%.
  • Capacity to fill 50000+ drop ship orders and 750,000+ bulk ship orders daily.
  • Global fulfillment to over 75 countries
  • Customized solutions for each client
  • Leverage the best technology
  • Superior Customer Service

How We Succeed

Sophisticated operations that maximize fulfillment, On Time Delivery and Order fill rate. We have the unique ability to fill orders of 1 to bulk containers with the same precision and accuracy. Utilizing cutting edge technology, we are one of the few warehouses to achieve the highest standard in fulfillment by being amazon prime enabled.